
Foto: Elina Naaris, märts 2024


Valga linnas Kesk 19 asuva ajaloolise puithoone restaureerimine

Valga linnatuumiku muinsuskaitsealal, Kesk 19 asuva hoone näol on tegemist linna vanima puithoonega, mille restaureerimise tulemusena tagatakse Valga linnatuumiku muinsuskaitseala ajaloolisse ansamblisse kuuluva väärtusliku hoone säilimine. Restaureeritud hoone ja selles tulevikus pakutavad teenused elavdavad ajaloolist linnasüdant ning aitavad tõsta EV100 arhitektuuriprogrammi "Hea avalik ruum" käigus valminud Valga uue keskväljaku atraktiivsust.


Projekti eesmärk

Projekti eesmärgiks on restaureerida Valga linna vanim puithoone, tagada selle säilimine ja anda hoonele tagasi tema endisaegne funktsioon äriruumidena. Valga kesklinn muudetakse nii ettevõtjatele kui elanikele atraktiivsemaks ja tekitatakse eraettevõtjates ja eraomanikes huvi ümberkaudsete kinnistute arendamiseks ja hoonete edasiseks renoveerimiseks. Kesk 19 hoone restaureerimisega tehakse järgmine samm ajaloolise linnasüdame taaselustamiseks, mis on oluline elanikkonna kahanemisega kaasnevate probleemide leevendamiseks ja muinsuskaitsealade tähtsuse rõhutamiseks linna kultuurilise ning majandusliku arengu edendamises.

Projekti tegevused

Esmalt koostatakse Kesk 19 hoone põhiprojekt, mille alusel hoone restaureeritakse ja paarkümmend aastat tühjana seisnud hoone muutub atraktiivse asukohaga ärihooneks koos võimalusega viia läbi kogukonnasüdmusi.

Projekti oluline osa on rahvusvaheline koostöö Norra Fredrikstadi omavalitsusega, kelle kogemuste kaasabil alustatakse Valga ajaloolise vanalinna elustamise strateegia koostamist ja kogukonna tugevdamist läbi koosloome.

Toimub kaks teavitusüritust avalikkusele – projekti avaüritus korraldatakse enne hoone restaureerimise algust ja lõpuüritus pärast hoone valmimist.

Valga linna vanima puithoone restaureerimise projekti avaüritus toimus talgute korras. Loe rohkem SIIT.

VIDEO: Vallaarhitekt Jiří Tintěra tutvustab restaureeritavat hoonet

Projekti partnerid

Projekti rahvusvaheliseks partneriks on Norra Fredrikstadi omavalitsus.

Projektipartner Fredrikstadi tutvustus

Projekti eelarve

Projekti kogumaksumus on 598 349 eurot, sealhulgas EMP ja Norra programmi toetus 478 679,20 eurot ning Valga Vallavalitsuse omaosalus 119 669,80 eurot.


Euroopa Majanduspiirkonna ja Norra finantsmehhanismide 2014-2021 programmi „Kohalik areng ja vaesuse vähendamine" meede "Muinsuskaitsealad ajaloolistes linnakeskustes".

Toetuse andmise eesmärk on väikelinnade muinsuskaitsealadel asuvate hoonete restaureerimine ning kasutuselevõtt kohaliku kogukonna vajadusteks ning muinsuskaitseala kasutuse elavdamiseks. Toetus on suunatud väikelinnadele, kus ajalooline keskus on ühtlasi ka muinsuskaitseala.

Projekti kestus

17.05.2021 - 30.04.2024

Projektiga tegelevad ametnikud

Välisprojektide juhtivspetsialist Siim Kängsepp

Vallaarhitekt Angeelika Saaron

Ehitusspetsialist Kairid Leks

Ehitus- ja planeerimisteenistuse juhataja Urmas Möldre




Restoration of a historical wooden building in Valga, Kesk 19

The building located in the Valga, Kesk 19 is the oldest wooden building in the town, as a result of the restoration of which the preservation of a valuable building belonging to the historical ensemble of the Valga heritage protection area is ensured. The restored building and the services it offers in the future will enliven the historical heart of the city and help to increase the attractiveness of Valga's new central square, completed during the EV100 architectural programme "Good Public Space".


Project's goal

The aim of the project is to restore the oldest wooden building in Valga, to ensure its preservation and to return the building to its former function as business premises. The central area of Valga will be more attractive to both entrepreneurs and residents. Private entrepreneurs and private owners will be more interested in the development of the surrounding real estate and further renovation of buildings. The restoration of the Kesk 19 building is the next step in revitalizing the historic heart of the city, which is important to alleviate the problems of depopulation and to emphasize the importance of heritage sites in promoting the city's cultural and economic development.

Project activities

First, the restoration design of the Kesk 19 building will be prepared, on the basis of which the building will be restored. Building, which has been empty for twenty years, will become an attractive commercial building with the opportunity to hold community events.

An important part of the project is international co-operation with the Norwegian municipality of Fredrikstad, whose experience will help to develop a strategy for revitalizing the historic old town of Valga and strengthen the community through co-creation.

There will be two information events for the public – the opening event of the project will be held before the start of the restoration of the building and the closing event will be held after the completion of the building.

Project partners

Project Lead partner is Valga Municipality

The international partner of the project is the municipality of Fredrikstad, Norway.

Project budget

The total cost of the project is 598 349 euros, including the support of the EEA and Norwegian programme of 478 679.20 euros and the co-financing of Valga Municipality of 119 669.80 euros.


Measure "Heritage protected areas in historic city centers" of the European Economic Area and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021 program "Local Development and Poverty Reduction".

The purpose of the support is to restore and use the buildings located in the heritage protection areas of small towns for the needs of the local community and to revive the use of the heritage protection area. The support is targeted at small towns, where the historical center is also a heritage conservation area.

Project duration

17.05.2021 - 30.04.2024

Project officers

Head of International Projects Siim Kängsepp

Municipality architect Angeelika Saaron

Construction specialist Kairid Leks

Head of the Construction and Planning Service Urmas Möldre